How Solar Energy Panels Can help to conserve Life

on Monday, June 17, 2013

In the past few years, you may have noticed that the weather in the world has been getting stronger and more extreme in some places; warmer in some, drier and windier in others and it is even getting wetter in a few places. Many scientists believe that these changes can be attributed to a phenomenon known as "global warming" and a lot of these scientists even claim that "global warming" is being exacerbated by the actions of human beings. Although there is still some debate in the scientific community as to the legitimacy of the theory that global warming is a manmade problem, there are still widespread calls on governments around the world to reduce carbon emissions and reduce the levels of greenhouse gas emissions from all around the world.

One of the main problems with global warming is that it is exactly that: Global. An increase in carbon or greenhouse gas emissions in one area of the world will not necessary only affect the people living in that area, but could affect completely unrelated people or even the whole ecosystem of a country on the other side of the world. Scientists have warned that global warming is leading to the melting of the polar ice caps, and therefore rising sea levels across the globe. Despite the fact that some South Pacific islands are practically carbon neutral, rising sea levels may eventually lead to some of these islands becoming completely submerged. This will eventually result in the disappearance of several entire nations, and it will therefore result in hundreds of thousands of people becoming homeless.


Scientists are also worried that rising temperatures will also result in the continued desertification of some areas of the earth. Some land which was once used for arable farming is now so dry that nothing is able to grow in it at all. If this continues to happen, it will become more and more difficult to grow enough food to feed the ever expanding population of the planet, and famine and drought will become increasingly prevalent. Once again, desertification and the tragic consequences which it brings along with it often affect those countries where the majority of citizens already have low carbon footprints.

How Solar Energy Panels Can help to conserve Life

If there is a chance that these global problems are manmade, then the people of the world should work together to try to come up with a global solution. Whilst it is important that large corporations shoulder part of the responsibility, ordinary citizens should play their parts too. Some scientists say that one way in which ordinary citizens can try to prevent this is to try to reduce their carbon footprints by wasting less energy and burning fewer fossil fuels. Installing solar panel systems on residential properties can help that household to reduce their carbon foot print, whilst also helping to increase the energy security of their country. Solar panel systems can also help to reduce the energy costs of the household. Although solar panel systems require an initial investment, in many cases, these systems will quickly pay for themselves.

How Solar Energy Panels Can help to conserve Life


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